Buying Replica Louis Vuitton Flawless Bags Handbags Gold Yellow Cowhide
$100.00 $126.00
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¥220 Cowhide
Mid-old antique floral dumpling bag~LV Retiro handbag is made of iconic LV vintage floral fabric, with luxurious yellow leather trim, classic and timeless. The elegant and low-key shape design and spacious bag body add practicality. Instructions for use: – LV color-changing cowhide leather trim, shiny pure steel gold hardware – Adjustable shoulder strap, with tree cake leather shoulder pad, zipper closure. – Microfiber lining, 25*24
Mid-old antique floral dumpling bag~LV Retiro handbag is made of iconic LV vintage floral fabric, with luxurious yellow leather trim, classic and timeless. The elegant and low-key shape design and spacious bag body add practicality. Instructions for use: – LV color-changing cowhide leather trim, shiny pure steel gold hardware – Adjustable shoulder strap, with tree cake leather shoulder pad, zipper closure. – Microfiber lining, 25*24
Brands: Louis Vuitton